Nazi New Zealand 2021 Part 2

Okay, so you get two blogs in quick succession. I thought of a lot more I could write but didn’t the first time. Now I’m going to point out just how far we are along the road to Naziism.

A new variant, Omicron (anagram of moronic) has the world panicking. Why? It is in 38 nations and counting and thus far NO DEATHS! Yet leaders are slamming through further restrictions and calling for travel bans, mass lockdowns etc, despite the fact the new variant doesn’t discriminate who it hits- both vaccinated and unvaccinated.

The CEO of the EU is calling for the Nuremburg code to be overthrown and those who don’t want the vaccine to be forced. Whether this would actually happen or spark too much outrage and protest remains to be seen. Thus far it is a comment; tomorrow it could be enacted. Of course how many doctors would be prepared to go against that code? So then who’d administer the dose? Similarities with the Gestapo coming knocking perhaps? See here for a refresher on what the code says in full:

This suggestion of discarding the Nuremburg Code, on the one hand is almost laughably unnecessary. Who would really be prepared to do that? How many are that brainwashed? Especially in light of claims by Russian scientists that advocate this strand, which appears very very mild, with few symptoms and no fatalities, is the perfect way to get worldwide, natural immunity. That would make Covid as OVER. Further data lends strength to those claims. On the other hand it is very very alarming and concerning that someone so high up would even suggest it. Think back to the last blog of the us vs them dehumanising process.

So what are we waiting for? People think the idea of forced vaccinations could never happen. Really? Maybe not this time but the legal framework is well and truly being set in place. Just in the last 2 weeks legislation was rushed through, with 48 hours of public consultation- not that many of the public even knew about it- that includes the following clause:

“Part 3:Infectious and notifiable diseases
70Special powers of medical officer of health

(1)For the purpose of preventing the outbreak or spread of any infectious disease, the medical officer of health may from time to time, if authorised to do so by the Minister or if a state of emergency has been declared under the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 or while an epidemic notice is in force, by notice,—
if the spread of the disease would be a significant risk to the public, require people, places, buildings, ships, vehicles, aircraft, animals, or things to be tested as he or she thinks fit:

…..require persons to report themselves or submit themselves for medical examination at specified times and places:

This act further says that the medical officer can order buildings, properties, animals and land unfit and banned from their purpose, going so far as to have them all totally destroyed. How far of a jump is it really to move from summoning for medical examination to summoning for medical treatment? A partial breakdown is included at the end of this blog. The wording is woolly, adaptable and subjective. It gives the medical officer (who is that and who elects him or her?) great power. While it may sound good in regards to a pandemic; covid is now endemic. This law is in place and with the state of emergency carrying on until 2023, it is anyone’s guess as to how it could and will be applied. Doesn’t it sound eerily similar to confiscating the property of Jews? What stops a jump from carrying a passport with medical details to carrying on with religious beliefs, political beliefs, criminal history or job etc? Because if businesses can now discriminate on the former, there is absolutely no reason to stop them discriminating on the latter ones. This is essentially the social credit system rolling out in some Chinese cities- your ID links to your political and religious beliefs, your bank account, your employment and more. It is electronic and admits you into buildings, banks, stores, work……. anything. A simple code by someone higher up can deny you card reading and you can be barred from anything at a moment’s notice. Is this what we want here? How unreasonable is it really to say that won’t happen? Doesn’t that separation of the vaccinated and unvaccinated (for starters) sound like the apartheid of South Africa and America? Like the segregation of Germany? People say ‘well get the jab and you’ll be free’. Actually by getting the jab you are selling yourself into slavery. The UK has just passed a law to make booster shots available every 3-4 months- so refusing to have your 1st, second, fifth, eighth booster makes you an outcast. Why continually line up for shots that don’t work? Israel has a passport system where people are on their fourth shoots- if they don’t keep getting one every six months their passport expires and they can do nothing. Leighton Smith’s latest podcast covers the account of an Australian doctor who created an effective vaccine against SARS and now has created one against covid-19. But can he get any funding? No. He injected himself with it; months later he still has the antibodies proving its long-lasting effects. Why is this not breaking headline news internationally? Why are only the Pfizer, Astrazenic, Johnson&Johnson and Moderna vaccines the ‘approved’ ones?
A recent letter in the Lancet demolished the need for mass vaccinations. People say they only listen to the experts; well the Lancet is one of the more prestigious science journals around and the fact they would publish this in itself shows just how unsettled the covid narrative is. The politicians seem to only listen to the experts who suit their narratives.

Please, go onto Epoch Times, GatewayPundit, Natural News, NZDSOS, NZTSOS (where 2,100+ teachers have resigned over mandates in NZ), Voices for Freedom, Covid Plan B and listen to the experts whose advice is not being followed- and these are highly qualified people who know what they are talking about. A person’s refusal to actually go out there and research, read both sides, consider they are being lied to; refusing to do that shows a level of bias and wokeness that to use a popular climate change phrase, makes one a ‘science denier’.
Same applies to the adverse reactions being found following vaccinations. Governments record 5-10% (CDC estimate) but reports always carry the butt-saving disclaimer of ‘these are just coincidences’. Of course they’d say that! Can you imagine the lawsuits otherwise? How normal is it really for teenagers to collapse from heart attacks? For prime, fit healthy athletes to collapse mid game- or in some cases never be able to resume playing? How normal is it for so many under 40 year olds to develop heart problems that will see them on medicine for the rest of their lives? Same for the number of people with blood clots. People are celebrating the arrival of the Astrazenica to NZ. Do they know that a number of countries in Europe suspended the use of that vaccine for either all, or those under 50 after the unusual number of people developing blood clots? How many people will be told that as they line up for a dose?
I could go on and on, but please, think and do your own investigation. As the old saying goes, ‘those who don’t read/watch the news are uninformed; those who do read/watch the news are misinformed.’

Further concerning reading about vaccines you are not told:

Nazi New Zealand 2021

I came across this image a few days ago and shared it on FB thinking it might provoke a few thoughts. I succeeded in upsetting a rather liberal, woke acquaintance who found it insensitive. I highlighted a few similarities and another person jumped on with a few more points as well and it is worth looking at just where we are heading.

May be an image of text that says "Remember, it didn't start with gas chambers. It started with politicians dividing the people with "us vs them." It started with intolerance and hate speech and when people stopped caring, became desensitized and turned a blind eye."

You see, Hitler rose out of a nation that had been defeated in WW1, had heavy restrictions imposed on it creating a total economic and societal collapse. He capitalised on the frustration, resentment and chaos to create a strong united nation. If he’d died in 1938 he may well have gone down as one of the greatest leaders of the 20th century. People wrongly assume Nazi Germany and the Holocaust, concentration camps, the Gestapo etc all just happened overnight. They didn’t; they were the product of several years work and media selling propaganda. No one would have bought the extermination of the Jews outright; first an ‘us vs them’ mentality and dehumanising was needed.

Today marks the beginning of an ‘us vs them’ society in New Zealand. Yesterday you could sit and have lunch with your unvaccinated colleague, today they are a social pariah. Yet really they are still the same person and are no more dangerous than they were yesterday. Thursday 2nd December, 11:59pm was not a Cinderalla pumpkin moment when 25% (my guess) of the nation’s population turned into evil, disease ridden and spreading lepers. A few weeks ago we saw the Prime Minister gleefully smirking and rubbing her hands together as she laughed and smiled about creating a two class system. I have seen calls for the unvaccinated to be denied healthcare, denied benefits, denied everything really. That is how a holocaust starts- you are dehumanised, people see you as a danger and a threat, as no longer worthy of basic human dignity and respect. These same people calling for open discrimination, will they step in and stop if the government suddenly decides to truck all the unvaccinated to a particular facility somewhere? Give it time for those enjoying their ‘freedom day’ (anything but really) and they get so focused on themselves they forget about everyone else; they accept the labels the media and government ministers place on people, they feel superior and see no harm in discriminating. After months (or years) of this, as the pressure slowly builds, they don’t care any more, the underclass is just there but ‘out of sight, out of mind’ and so the next step- torture, ghettos, mass transportation, forced labour, wearing a yellow star etc- that doesn’t bother people because they let so much else slide by, why step in now?

Initially those who said passports were coming were labelled as the crazy conspiracy theorists and hard core anti vaxers. As time has moved on and highly qualified doctors and medical staff- who know what they are talking about- as well as thousands of teachers- traditionally left wing- are all prepared to walk off their jobs over a vaccine, well suddenly it is not a lunatic fringe. We have people who refuse the vaccine outright- and will go to their graves over it. We have others who had one shot but suffered so badly they are scared of a second. We have some who had a first shot, watched a loved one die soon after their own shot and now fear what might happen to them. An example is a couple with 2 boys. The parents and older boy were vaccinated, the younger boy not yet 12. A week or later the older boy dropped dead in the garden playing soccer with his brother. These parents, rightly and understandably, DO NOT want the second jab for fear their second child becomes an orphan. Now we have double vaccinated people who refuse to have their boosters- some because they don’t think they need it, others because they are wary of just how many shots they need, and still others because they have become skeptical as time moves on. I have seen and heard of several people shocked to find their vaccine pass expires after 6 months- they didn’t know the vaccine runs out then. Which brings me to yet another illogical part- your passport is valid for 6 months from when you apply, not 6 months from when you had your second jab…… So you could have been double jabbed for 4-5 months (or longer if border workers) and your vaccine expires around new year but your passport doesn’t until May…… yet those people have ‘rights and privileges’ denied to the unvaccinated, despite being essentially in the same boat. It is a proven fact (see Israeli data and now some coming out of the UK) that the vaccine ceases after 6 months and is pretty dodgy even by 4. Viral load of vaccinated and unvaccinated is the same, we see about 50% of people in NZ hospitals with covid have been vaccinated to some degree which also raises questions of why the open segregation and discrimination?

Around the world countries have tried vaccine passports with various success- and a lot of failure. In Moscow the vaccinated sided with the unvaccinated and refused to enter businesses that discriminated. Within weeks those businesses had no income and called on the mayor to ease restrictions; in Italy and some US states all restaurant and cafes announced a day they would all open to everyone- and law enforcement could do nothing about it. In my local town a dedicated group of people are going round pretty much all businesses offering signs saying they don’t/won’t discriminate. There are a heap of them! The kiwi spirit is still strong; the ingenuity is coming out. We have NZDSOS, NZTSOS, Voices for Freedom, Free to be Church, The Freedom and Rights Coalition, New Nation Party, New Conservative Party, Conserve NZ, The Right Watchman, Don’t Di vide Us and many others uniting, rising up and challenging what is going on. 2020 marked the beginning of the Great Reset; 2021 marks what I think is the beginning of the Great Resist; will 2022 mark the beginning of a massive revival?

On that note I have seen numerous churches falling in line to fear and coercion by the government. But I have seen many rising up and standing for faith over fear. We have the establishment of house churches across the nation- we are getting out of our churches and going back to our neighbourhoods with the gospel, I hear reports here and in Aussie of a huge hunger for God. The head of ACL in Aussie said that in one week (I think) he knew of no less than 3 homosexual couples who had turned to Christ. Someone said earlier this year that ‘the dark is getting darker but the light is getting brighter’. He was right. God is at work behind the scenes and while we know how it ends overall, we don’t know if we lose this battle to ultimately win the war, or if we win this battle for now as well.

Take care, get out and enjoy life, sunshine and family. Don’t live in fear. A final note I copied from FB:
“Here are some alternatives we are doing to carry on with joy… please add yours below.
No local pools- rivers and ocean swims for free
No library- a local lady is setting up a library in her garage and people are donating toward that. Open one or two days a week with joyful meetings of friends and fellow unclean hugging to their heart’s content.
No museum- exploring the history of our region in person. Every area is rich in history if you search.
No movies- home set up with friends over. Epic sound system and snacks are 1/10th the price. Come in pjs if you like!
No massages/therapies/haircuts- a lot of friends have pretty cool skills. Ask who does what!
Kids missing friends- no need for that! Organise gatherings to do craft days/games days/you name it. Everyone brings along a snack to take the cost to minimum.
Eating out- get together with friends. Have a set menu and eat at a different home each time. Or get back into progressive dinners. They are super fun. I’m keen to host an escape room style evening or mystery dinner. Pop a movie on for the kids!
Garden group- obviously an easy one! Make your own group and go enjoy an afternoon tea together. Better yet, take your gloves and go help those in the community who are struggling to keep on top of things. Ten people can do a huge amount of work in one hour.
Exercise/gyms- find buddies to work out with and start climbing the local hills. What exercises can you do while helping others? I can tell ya that gardening works a heap of muscles. See above! 😉
Sports- grab some friends and start frisbee golf tournaments. Great exercise especially if you are as bad as I am. 🤣 We did frisbees for Christmas this year. We are going to use our yard as a course for practice (hit that tree, hit the chair, hit that post, etc.) And then hit all the proper courses as well. (Google nz disc golf courses)
Food- start learning about local foraging options. There is a tonne of free food out there for the taking. Aim for non-sprayed areas of course! Swap seeds / produce with neighbours and get an awesome selection, better than ever before.
School- hundreds of families have already made the switch to homeschooling and many are in the works. Start learning about it, even if you think you never would do it. We never thought all this would happen so quickly. There are so many options across all budgets and goals for homeschooling, and none of us doing it are particularly patient, we just make it work and grow together. That’s what life is, growing and learning together.
Church- hopefully none of your churches are discriminating and accepting this, but if they are, find one that preaches the Bible in context. Find one that focuses on change/heart issues over making you ‘feel good’. Don’t stick around for light meals of God’s word. They simply aren’t enough to sustain you. Go read the Bible for yourself, you’ll find Him there. Find locals who live and breathe to serve God, and there you will find your brothers and sisters in Christ. Get together and pray fervently for our country and hang in there. God has many times turned an evil leader’s plans into something that glorifies Him in the end. If you need to find a church like I described, I know several around the country and would be happy to recommend them. Today is an incredibly sad day but we still have hope and can choose joy. I am definitely still speaking out against this evil while I still can, though, as should we all. It’s worked overseas. Hang in there, friends!